Applying Z133(2017) – Select Q&A with Explanations – Exam Only

About This Course:

A short (50 question) scenario-based exam only course that focuses on the application of Z133 to arboriculture operations. True/false, multiple choice and short answer questions (mostly scenario based) are presented to the student for analysis. Quiz questions provide feedback, our interpretation of select portions of Z133, and additional open ended questions for reflection and study of ANSI z133. We highly recommend you take it slow and open book. Take the time to look up each scenario and see what Z133 has to say. You can also use our Safety Standards Checklist (included with this course) which will help guide you in the right direction. This exam is based on ANSI Z133 2017. Hint: Ctrl-F to search the Safety Standards Checklist by keyword.

NOTE: This exam and the Safety Standards Checklist, treat all requirements and recommendations of ANSI Z133 (normally indicated by “Shall” and “Should” respectively) equally and uses the terms colloquially. In other words, don’t get hung up on “shall” and “should” and their “legal” meanings.

NOTE: According to TCIA, “Although compliance with this standard  [ANSI Z133] is voluntary, Z133 carries the force of law in many instances in the U.S. When OSHA cannot find language in its own standards to guide safe work practices in a particular situation they will typically cite a section of Z133 as what the employer “should have known or done” to create a safe work environment for its employees.” Because of this, it’s prudent to show the same deference to “should” recommendations as to “shall” requirements. 

Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate

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